Program Features & Options

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System Flow

Run your own affiliate marketing programs

Those who sign up for affiliate account in your system will receive commissions when their friends click on their affiliate links/ use coupon and purchase products. Set attractive commission, discount & payout requirement based on your marketing strategy. Make affiliate signup process and referral programs obvious and simple to attract participants. Monitor, review and filter transactions, reports of affiliates and referral programs. Choose among various payment methods to pay for your affiliates based on specific withdrawal requirements.

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Setting commission, discount & payout requirement

You can choose the commission type to be fixed or percentage and easily add the preferred rate.

Besides, you can differentiate commission/ discount levels of the first order and following ones.

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You are also able to set “payout requirement” which is a specific amount that affiliates’ balance must reach before they can request to withdraw money.

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Once an affiliate has succeeded in referring a friend to your store, he can be entitled to the whole-life commissions from that friend’s transactions. For example, when a Customer is introduced to buy your products through affiliate A for his first time and through affiliates B, C the second time, third time, etc.,

This feature can allow you to add commission for A only.

Another feature that is also very interesting is that if you suspect your affiliates’ reliability, you can choose to hold their commissions in a period of time. It is also possible to automatically add or subtract commission of an account balance based on order status.

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Account management

Program offers you full control of referrals. You can easily add, remove, enable or disable affiliates and edit preferences in “Manage Account” tab as shown below:

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Going to each account detailed page, you can easily change information as you wish. It is also simple to view information of affiliates such as: their programs, friends, transactions and payments.

Refer Member

If you want your own customers to become your affiliates, this Magento affiliate feature can meet your requirement! Affiliates can share links through email or social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) in the most convenient way.

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Affiliates can write their own messages and send directly to all contacts from multiple mailboxes (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail).

Transaction management

System give you the ability to access relevant information of an affiliate’s transaction like order number, products, commission and discount. It is extremely easy to monitor, review and filter transactions.

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The module also enables affiliates to track their transactions & commission earned.

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Withdrawal management

In admin panel, you can comfortably configure and control withdrawals of affiliate accounts.

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To diversify options for affiliates, you can offer them options to receive commission by money or store credit. You can also configure the tax class to calculate tax for withdrawals as you wish.

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In front-end, affiliates can request withdrawal or spend their commission as store credit. Withdrawal history will be listed in their affiliate account/ withdrawal tab.

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Pay Per Sale

Affiliates promote your products through many channels. But only when your products are purchased through their links, referrals can get commission. In other words, you just Pay when you get Sale. You can configure this feature in General Configuration as illustrated below:

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PayPal mass pay

Instead of conducting payout manually when an affiliate requests payment, admin can use PayPal API with auto-process, making the payout of affiliate program magento more convenient and faster.

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Multiple Payment methods

Affiliate Payment plugin gives you the ability to use many payment methods like PayPal, Moneybookers, Offline payment, Bank transfer to pay affiliates. It also supports recurring payment feature.

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Tier Commission

First affiliate refers a link and gets a friend sign up to become affiliate. When the second affiliate succeeds in selling a product, both him and the first affiliate can get commission.

This Program allows you to set the number of tiers, commission amounts and commission types for different tiers.

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For affiliates, if they get involved in tier transactions, they can see the information of number of tier transaction, tier earnings and tier commissions as below:

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Affiliate by coupon

Each affiliate is issued an unique coupon code that they can send to their client. When their friends use this code to place orders in your store, affiliates will receive commissions. As the invited customers also gain benefits, the conversion rate of this method seems higher than others.

You can enable to use coupon, set up the code pattern, and choose whether to use affiliate coupon parallel with sale coupon.

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In frontend, the Coupon tab will appear in My Affiliate Account of Customers, showing them their coupon code, program and commission type.

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This feature enables you to track the sales, clicks of affiliates, impression reports, best seller product reports and affiliate accounts. Therefore, it’s easy to analyze affiliate program’s performance and get solution to improve it.

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Affiliates also can review their own performance and export reports by sales, clicks and impressions.

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Pay Per Lead

Pay-per-lead helps you create a program allowing affiliates to receive commission for the actual number of leads he generates. “Lead” may be new accounts signup in your site or newsletter subscribes.

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Customers can track their commissions from PPL program as below:

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Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a very popular method in affiliating. This plugin allows referrals to earn money based on the number of clicks to your website that they generate. Affiliates can view the number of clicks and also the corresponding commissions that they receive.

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Pay Per Mile

With Pay Per Mille (PPM) plugin, you can configure that affiliates receive commissions for thousand impressions of banner/link that they generate. Affiliates can view the number of views and also the corresponding commissions that they receive.

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Commission by Level

This module helps you to encourage your affiliates to increase your sales by giving them additional commissions based on a certain sales or order amount. When the plugin is installed, affiliates can see your information about additional commission in Affiliate Home page.

Take a look at this example. When the total sales value in a month was greater than $1,000 as configured in backend, the affiliate received $10 more for each of his next orders in that month:

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In backend, you can configure characteristics of this additional commission such as basis for calculation (orders or sales), commission type, levels of commission, etc.

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Affiliate Trash

Trash is a very useful and necessary function, which is only manipulated in backend. It creates great convenience for you by allowing you to delete or restore both transactions and withdrawals if you wish.

You can put your unnecessary transactions into trash and then, restore them:

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Similarly, you can delete a withdrawal you want and then, take it back:

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