비지니스 고객관리 시스템 구축서비스 (CRM)

비지니스 업무처리 방식의 전산화를 통한 효율성 증대를 통해 비즈니스 성공을 함께 고민하고 방법을 만들어갑니다.

Program Features & Options

Customer Relationship Manage Intranet system

System Flow

고객관리 시스템에 대한 구축 개발 서비스

거래처관리/직원관리/프로젝트관리/인보이스 관리 등 운영하시는 비지니스에 업무처리 시스템을 전산화 하여 업무처리 방식을 CRM System 한곳으로 집중관리하여 업무효율을 극대화 할수 있는 시스템을 구축합니다. 업무지시, 승인/반려처리, 문서자료공유시스템, 또한 암호화 된 시스템으로 보안문제 또한 원스탑으로 해결합니다. 주문제작 기업전산화 시스템 구축 지금 바로 레몬웹디자인 개발담당자와 상담하세요.

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Key Features


Contacts, Addresses, Notes and Groups. Create new fields. Easily link everything under a Customer.


Project Details, Invoice Subscriptions, RSA/AES crypto for Passwords for secure and more.


Online Quote Approval, Job Task Discussions. Create and send a PDF Quotes. Record Project expenses.


Send PDF Invoices. Accept payment via PayPal, Stripe & Authorize. PayPal subscription payments. Automatic overdue notices.


CRM Feature List

Customer Management

Manage your customer database in this easy to use CRM. Store, search and group customers. Keep private notes. Multiple contacts per customer.

Easy to use

Record customer details. Keep project detail document, notes and history all in one place. Link Jobs and Invoices to customer.

Process Jobs

Link Job to Customers and Quote. Send Quote to customer for pre-approval. Customer can track Job progress. Add Tasks to Jobs.


Generate PDF invoices, email invoice to customer straight from system. Mark when invoice is paid. Overdue notices. Part payments & invoice merging.

File Uploads

Customers and staff can upload files. Tag image files with comments or upload documents. Email alerts on file uploads. Assign files to customers/jobs.

Online Payments

Receive payments on invoices via secure PayPal, Google Checkout or Stripe. Invoices marked as paid upon successful payment. Part payment on invoices. Payment history. Payment receipt.

To Do List

Dashboard overview showing your TODO items (such as upcoming jobs, invoices that haven’t been sent, tasks requiring admin approval, new file uploads).

Mobile Device View

Want access to the CRM on the road? This system comes with a cut down mobile friendly view. Try it from your phone to see! You can also disable the “mobile view” and use the standard responsive layout if you wish.

Self Hosted

Host this system on Lemon web server or public website hosting account.

Customer Signup

Customers can sign up using a form on your CRM. Default jobs are created against the new customer ready for quoting.

Job Task Discussions

You can email a Job to a Customer from within CRM. The email contains a special link the Customer can click, and then add comments to any Task in the Job. Great if you need feedback on quoted items or half completed Job Tasks.

CRM Custom Fields

Create your very own custom fields through out the system. eg: Store the customers favorite color or birthday, record an invoice purchase order # or external job ID. Custom fields are also made available within templates and emails.

Import & Export

Import and Export information from the system in CSV format. Preview import before it occurs. Import data into specified groups for easier sorting.

Fine Grain Permissions

Security and permission options to control which users/customers have access to which features. Create, edit, delete and view. Limit staff to assigned jobs and more.

Staff/Customer Login

Customers can login to view their information and perform restricted actions. Multiple staff accounts. Control permissions & view login history.

Quick Pin/Bookmark

Have lots of customers? Bookmark it to the main menu for quick access anywhere in the system.

Custom template

Many templates through out the system. Email templates, invoice templates, thank you messages and more! We can customize it!

Knowledge Base / FAQ

Have a list of Frequently Asked Questions display before a customer submits a support ticket. Group questions by product. Embed the FAQ listing in your own website.

Credit Notes

Raise a Credit Note against an existing invoice. Send the Credit Note as a PDF to the Customer.

Job Tasks

Add new Tasks to Jobs. Assign individual Tasks to staff members.

Email & Web Support Tickets

Fully functional email support tickets. Import mail via POP3/IMAP. Create ticket numbers. Autoreplies. Assign tickets to support staff members. Reply via email or web.

Encrypted Fields

Using industry standard RSA/AES technology you can encrypt and decrypt sensitive data. With client side cryptography the sensitive data never even leaves your computer.

PDF Invoicing

Convert invoices into PDF documents. Email PDF Invoice to your customer straight from the system. Full control over invoice template layout. Send PDF invoices marked as “overdue” or “paid” as well.

CRM Calendar

A great easy to use Calendar for organising your business. Similar to Google Calendar. Create events, assign Customers and Staff members.